How a Seasoned Legal Professional Tackles a Sideswipe Car Accident Case

How a Seasoned Legal Professional Tackles a Sideswipe Car Accident Case
How a Seasoned Legal Professional Tackles a Sideswipe Car Accident Case

How a Seasoned Legal Professional Tackles a Sideswipe Car Accident Case


Sideswipe accidents often result in loss of control and subsequent severe injuries, necessitating the expertise of a car accident lawyer. By seeking legal assistance, you can ensure that every available damage is considered in your claim, preventing potential disadvantages when dealing with insurance companies.

Understanding Sideswipe Car Accidents

Most sideswipe accidents involve two vehicles driving in the same direction, with one vehicle moving into the other’s lane, resulting in a collision. The aftermath of such collisions can lead to serious injuries and damage, emphasizing the importance of addressing sideswipe cases appropriately.

How a Car Accident Lawyer Would Handle a Sideswipe Case

1. Establishing Negligence

Negligence is crucial in filing a sideswipe claim. Examining the circumstances of the accident, such as distracted driving or other factors, helps determine if the other party failed to uphold their duty of care, providing a basis for compensation.

2. Determining Fault After a Sideswipe Accident

Sideswipe cases pose challenges in assigning fault. Factors like the sequence of events and subsequent collisions can complicate fault determination. A skilled attorney can navigate these complexities, ensuring fair representation and pursuing a just settlement.

3. Negotiating with the Insurance Company

Insurance companies may dispute sideswipe claims due to perceived lesser severity. Skilled lawyers advocate for fair settlements, addressing injuries and damages that may initially seem minor but can lead to prolonged suffering, such as whiplash.

Most Cases Settle Out of Court

While the majority of sideswipe cases settle out of court, legal representation is crucial in case a trial becomes necessary. A committed attorney will persist in securing maximum compensation, even if negotiations fall through. How a Seasoned Legal Professional Tackles a Sideswipe Car Accident Case.

Don’t Wait to File Your Claim

Sideswipe accident claims in Georgia have a two-year statute of limitations. Taking prompt action increases the likelihood of a reasonable settlement, ensuring that evidence is fresh and maximizing the chances of financial recovery. How a Seasoned Legal Professional Tackles a Sideswipe Car Accident Case.

Contact a Sideswipe Car Accident Attorney Today

Navigating sideswipe accident cases can be complex, and victims should not endure the process alone. John Foy & Associates, with their expertise in sideswipe cases, provides a free consultation to guide you on the next steps in fighting for the compensation you deserve. Call today or complete the form to your right to start your consultation.

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